
Eq mage spells
Eq mage spells

Magicians (of level 55+) are the only class with access to the Call of the Hero ability, which can make moving a party around a zone much easier. Unique utility for moving allies around.When the elemental alone isn't enough to get the job done, the magician has reserves. Each type of these pets is on a separate cooldown timer and provide situational DPS, offtanking, or both. At level 61+, magicians begin to gain access to various swarm pets through AA purchases and spells. The base power level of the class is strong. At any level range, a prepared magician who is paying attention and sets up fights correctly can take on a wide variety of foes while soloing or moloing, and most of the abilities required to do so effectively either have short cooldowns or are available to be used at will. Reliable tanking and DPS for winning fights that go according to plan.In the right contexts, air and earth pets are entirely capable of serving as tanks for ranged DPS groups (making magicians an arguable "hidden" fourth tanking class for group content), and water and fire pets both have focused abilities for dealing DPS. The four types of magician pets are specialists who are the strongest pets in the game at the jobs they respectively do. The following are some of the strengths and weaknesses of the class: Magicians are the most pet-dependent class in the game, both for better and for worse. The magician is a good choice for players who enjoy managing a powerful pet and using a tightly focused spell selection.

eq mage spells

Magicians are able to adventure solo, but they also provide value in group and raid situations. Magicians are a very focused class, sacrificing some diversity for power in their area of expertise. Magicians also have spells that lower a monster's resistance to magic, allowing spells to damage them more easily. In battle, the magician can encase his entire group in a shield of fire, damaging any opponent that strikes them. Many of these pieces of summoned equipment can be given to pets to enhance their power, a practice which can be used to enhance other players' pets as well as the magician's own. Magicians have a wide range of item summoning spells, allowing them to conjure such diverse items as mana regen items, food, weapons, armour, and magical jewellery. Magicians have a large selection of fire- and magic-based direct damage spells, allowing them to mount a deadly magical assault in support of their elemental pet. This pet provides protection for its master, along with powerful attacks and special abilities.

eq mage spells

Magicians are primarily a magic-using class, with the ability to wear cloth armour and wield blunt weapons and daggers.Įlemental pets are at the heart of a magician's offensive strategy, and typically accompany a magician in all his adventures. Neutral Magicians (often called mages for short) are intelligence casters and master summoners, able to call elemental pets to do their bidding and to conjure useful items from thin air.

Eq mage spells